This is the Precedence Health Care legacy site. Precedence has a new website.

“Before cdmNet, putting in place a care plan was cumbersome and highly labour-intensive. It might have taken an hour to make the necessary contacts and to provide relevant information – an hour, frankly, that few GPs can afford to spend on one patient. Now, in just minutes, using cdmNet I can upload all the necessary information – including pathology results – and get this to all team members. The outcomes are positive for me in the time saved and for the patient in terms of getting best practice care. It is clearly the future for chronic disease management.”

Dr Arthur Pape, Bell Post Hill Medical Centre, Victoria.

“Since using cdmNet for ensuring quality of care, we have not had any strokes or progressive retinopathy in our patients with diabetes. People have fewer complications, are living better lives and living longer.”

Dr Tim Denton, Surfcoast Medical Centre, Victoria

“The amount of time saved by the practice by not having to fax, phone or follow up allied health providers is huge”

Ms Helen Colley, Practice Manager, Victoria

“cdmNet has changed the way chronic disease management is done, I have prompts so I don’t forget anything and the patients receive sms reminders and don’t miss appointments. My time involves clinical management and patient care and not chasing paper.”

Ms Maree Ashnam, Practice Nurse, Tasmania

“The cdmNet system has made it more efficient for my nurse to create the care plans, for me to check the care plans and follow up the patient”

Dr Andrew Siegmund, General Practitioner, Kalgoorlie, Western Australia

“You can use cdmNet with your patient or client sitting there, and what I love is everything is there.”

Ms Jane Walton, Practice Nurse, Kalgoorlie, Western Australia

“cdmNet has been of major assistance to GPs because it really does enable them to have very comprehensive care plans with the relevant allied health workers. It has worked very well and the GPs have really embraced it. In fact, we have got the situation where the other practices and other GPs are saying how long before we can use it…what’s going on…when can we start?”

Terry Keating, CEO, Goldfields Esperance General Practice Network

“cdmNet allows health providers to see what other health providers are involved in the care of the client therefore allowing a more collaborative approach between the client, health providers involved and the client’s GP. cdmNet also allows me to assess what information or advice the client may require. For example, if a client is also seeing a Dietitian I would only just briefly ask about their nutrition, and not repeat advice about their diet of which the Dietitian would cover. This helps to reduce duplication of information to the client, allows me more time to focus on the exercise physiology information and decreases the potential for clients to be confused by conflicting advice.”

Ms Lyndall Dew, Accredited Exercise Physiologist, Geelong

“I feel a bit more part of the team. I can see where doctors and other allied health people are feeding back into the care team.”

Ms Helen O’Sullivan, Diabetes Educator, Kalgoorlie, Western Australia

“It is clear from our trial results that cdmNet can deliver better outcomes for chronically-ill patients and this is likely to translate into fewer hospital admissions. The electronic age in health care, particularly in the management of patients with chronic diseases, has arrived and represents the future.”

Paul Cohen, CEO, Barwon Health, Victoria

“I think it’s much better because when you go to see one of the other health providers, they have access to the latest path tests and where normally if it’s a written report they wouldn’t have the full history and they can always have access to the latest one.”

Patient anon, Geelong, Victoria

“It just personalises it a lot more.”

Patient anon, Geelong, Victoria

“I think there’s more likelihood of your GP keeping track that you are seeing these other health providers and reminding you that you need to.”

Patient anon, Geelong, Victoria