This is the Precedence Health Care legacy site. Precedence has a new website.

Chief Executive Officer – Professor Michael Georgeff

Professor Michael Georgeff is Founder and Chief Executive Officer of Precedence Health Care and Professor in the Faculty of Medicine, Nursing and Health Sciences at Monash University.

Michael has been at the forefront of software innovation and commercialisation for over 30 years. He was one of the pioneers of software agent technology, creating a new paradigm for the way computational systems are built and operated.

In 1988, Michael was invited to Australia by the Prime Minister, Mr. Bob Hawke, to set up the Australian Artificial Intelligence Institute (AAII). As Founding Director, he established AAII as a world leader in advanced information technology.

Michael was also Founding Director of the Centre for Intelligent Decision Systems, the first software research centre established by the Federal Government as part of Australia’s Cooperative Research Centre program. He was instrumental in establishing Australia as a leader in agent technology research.

In 1997, Michael founded Agentis Software to create the first enterprise software product able to manage the unpredictability that is typical of supply chain and Internet-based business environments. As Chief Executive Officer, he successfully brought the product to market in Australia in 1999 and established the company in the US in January 2000.

Prior to 1988, Michael was Program Director in the Artificial Intelligence Center at SRI International, one of the world’s most respected research establishments. During this period, he and his team created one of the first implementations of software agent technology, applying it to the control and operation of NASA’s space shuttle. He was also one of the lead advisors to NASA on the information technology strategy for the International Space Station.

Michael is an advisor to governments both in the US and Australia on information technology strategy and commercialisation. He is regularly invited to speak at industry and research forums.

Michael is a founding member of the Australian National Consultative Committee on e-Health and a member of the Health Informatics Society of Australia. He was elected Fellow of the American Association for Artificial Intelligence in 1995 for his “pioneering theory and applications of reactive planning systems and agent architectures”. He is also a Fellow of the Australian Computer Society, a member of the Association for Computing Machinery, and a member of the New York Academy of Sciences. In 1990, the Bulletin proclaimed Michael one of Australia’s “national assets”.

Michael has a B.Sc. in Physics and Mathematics from the University of Melbourne, a B.E. in Aeronautical Engineering from Sydney University, and a Ph.D. from Imperial College, London. He holds a University Medal from The University of Sydney. He was awarded the Beit Fellowship by the University of London and was GEM Scott Visiting Fellow at Ormond College (University of Melbourne).

Executive Director – Silvio Salom

Silvio Salom is one of Australian’s most successful technology entrepreneurs, generating approximately $1 billion dollars in export sales over the last decade. Silvio has founded a number of iconic Australian companies including Adacel Technologies and Lochard Limited, which both dominate global markets that they operate in.

Silvio is a proven chief executive, change agent and entrepreneur with high level of expertise in successfully growing technology companies in domestic and international markets. He has operational expertise with start-ups, as well as with large, rapidly growing companies. Silvio has deep strengths in product development, technology commercialisation, international expansion, mergers and acquisitions, capital raising and publicly listed operations.

Silvio’s experience has been gained as a technology supplier to Consumer, Aerospace & Defence, Telecommunication, Aviation, E-commerce, Environment, Enterprise and Training markets on a global basis.

Silvio has served as an ITC Advisory Board member for the CSIRO, director of Melbourne University Private, Vice Chairman of Airport Industries Australia, Board member of the Cooperative Research Centres for Intelligent Decision Systems and Smart Internet Technology and as founding Board member of the IT&T Skills Hub. In addition Silvio has served on the Board of many companies, including director of Adacel Technologies Limited, director of Lochard Limited, director of Close The Loop Limited and Gramercy Venture Advisors, a San Francisco based technology focused investment bank.

Chief Technology Officer – Jamie Curmi

As Chief Technology Officer, Jamie Curmi is responsible for all product development at Precedence Health Care. His primary responsibility is the design and development for cdmNet, but also includes various implementations required for major customer projects and other infrastructure.

Jamie has been involved in the IT industry over 20 years. He began his career in 1992 as a programmer and tutor in the Department of Mathematics and Department of Computer Science at the University of Melbourne.

Jamie left academia in 1995 to work for the Australian Artificial Intelligence Institute (AAII), a world leader in intelligent agent technology. During his time at AAII Jamie worked as a developer and team leader on a number of high profile projects. The technologies developed at the Institute have been used by many national and international organisations, such as NASA, Telstra, Cable and Wireless, Thomson CSF, Daimler Chrysler, Broken Hill Proprietary Company, Air Services Australia, AMP Society, Carlton and United Breweries, and the Australian Department of Defence.

In 1998 Jamie joined a joint Ericsson Australia/Melbourne IT venture called the Advance Services Application Centre (ASAC) as a technical coordinator/senior software engineer. ASAC developed a number of mobile-based applications for clients such as Telstra, and Jamie soon became well known as a leading Wireless Application Protocol (WAP) developer, designing and implementing a number of leading edge WAP applications for clients such as Telstra, dStore, and Tourism Victoria. Jamie also created and developed an SMS and WAP based anonymous match and contact service and in 2000 was awarded the Ericsson Development Higher Achiever Award.

Jamie joined Agent Oriented Software (AOS) in 2001, a spin-off company from the original AAII that soon became the new world leader in intelligent agent technology, with offices in three countries. At AOS, Jamie worked as a senior developer and project leader and in 2006 became the Director of Operations for the company. Technologies from AOS are in use in Departments of Defence worldwide, leading oil companies, and universities around the world.

In 2007 Jamie joined Precedence Health Care (PHC) as Chief Technology Officer. Jamie has a B.Sc. in Mathematics, a Graduate Diploma in Education (Mathematics and Science), and a Graduate Diploma in Computing from the University of Melbourne.

Clinical Integration Manager – Marienne Hibbert

Dr Marienne Hibbert is the Clinical Integration Manager at Precedence Health Care with chief responsibility for the Digital Regions Initiative project, implementing cdmNet nationally, in partnership with GP Divisions and others. Marienne also manages the integration of cdmNet with Hospitals nationally.

Marienne has extensive experience in eHealth, with a background including many years in Hospital IT, integration and system implementation, strategic planning and project management. Marienne has particular expertise in clinical systems development and implementation; and facilitating data acquisition for quality assessment, evaluation and research.

Marienne has previously been the Project Director for BioGrid Australia for seven years, establishing this national research infrastructure for privacy protected research across multiple hospitals and research institutes.

Marienne commenced her career at The Royal Children’s Hospital in Melbourne as a scientist in Respiratory Medicine before establishing the Research Unit at the Centre for Adolescent Health, pioneering computer collected population data from young people.

In April 2011 Marienne joined Precedence Health Care. Marienne has a B.App Sci and M.App.Sci (BioPhysics) from Swinburne University, and a PhD (Physiology and Statistics, Medicine) from The University of Melbourne where she has a current honorary appointment as a senior research fellow.

Marienne is a collaborating investigator on a number of funded research projects and has served on a number of research advisory committees and community boards.

Clinical Change Manager – Jessica Keating

Jessica is a Division 1 Registered Nurse. She began her nursing career at the Royal Melbourne Hospital in 2004. Jessica has worked in both the acute and sub-acute sectors. Her main clinical interest is in primary care and she has worked as a practice nurse and practice manager in several practices in Australia and the United Kingdom. Jessica is experienced in chronic disease management, wound care and medical practice administration. She also has a strong interest in population health and health promotion.

Jessica is the Clinical Change Manager at Precedence Health Care. She manages the national adoption, deployment and ongoing support of cdmNet. Jessica works closely with our partners and general practitioners, practice nurses, practice managers, allied health and specialists, providing each of them with education and training on cdmNet and assistance with chronic disease management processes.

Jessica has a Bachelor of Nursing, Masters of Health Administration and is currently studying a Masters of Public Health.

Operations Manager – Russell Bowden

Russell Bowden is the Operations Manager at Precedence Health Care. His responsibilities include streamlining and maintaining internal operations, project management and acting as an interface between client requirements and the cdmNet development team.

Russell has a background in business and technology with over 15 years experience working within the Primary Health sector. His roles encompassed technology, business development and project management.

Some of Russell’s key achievements include the successful transition of general practices from paper-based to electronic health records, streamlining workflows and communications in the primary care setting. Russell has also managed the development of a multi-million dollar multidisciplinary primary care practice.

Russell has a strong interest in the national digital health journey and its potential to positively impact efficiency, quality improvement, patient engagement and health outcomes.

Before joining Precedence in 2013, Russell was the eHealth manager at Macedon Ranges and North Western Melbourne Medicare Locals.